UP Mindanao joins creation of action plan for Davao rivers’ pollution mitigation

UP Mindanao joins creation of action plan for Davao rivers’ pollution mitigation

UP Mindanao Assistant Professor Maynard U. Usares contributed to the creation of an action plan to mitigate pollution in the two Davao rivers as chairperson of a Technical Working Group (TWG) convened by the Dep. of Environment and Natural Resources-XI’s Environment Management Bureau on October 9, 2024, in Davao City.

The TWG was constituted for the Joint Davao River and Talomo River Water Quality Management Areas (WQMAs) to quantify and evaluate the current situation of the rivers versus their current control measures. 

The TWG was comprised of representatives from the Davao City Health Office, DOST Region XI, the University of Immaculate Concepcion (UIC), the Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters Association, Inc. (PBGEA), the Davao City Water District, the Department of Health XI, the Department of Agriculture XI, and DENR-EMB XI, and UP Mindanao, represented by Asst. Prof. Usares,  as the chairperson.

As chairperson of the WQMA TWG – Action Plan, Prof. Usares gave the opening remarks at the meeting, after which DENR-EMB XI Section Chief Engr. Liza Mae Villora presented their current control measures using a Risk-Benefit Score Analysis tool. This tool can determine the extent of impact and likelihood of occurrence for the different contributors to pollutant generation, and any existing activities that would likely help mitigate pollution in the waterbodies.  

She then solicited the expert opinions from the TWG members on how to better quantify and evaluate the current situation of the rivers. The TWG members provided technical comments on the presentation and proceeded to create the WQMA TWG 2023-2028 Action Plan. 


<Photo courtesy of DENR-EMB Davao Region FB page>

Prepared by: Maynard U. Usares – WQMA TWG Chairperson